Mentoring Committee
This committee sets up any interested members of AMWA with a female faculty mentor. We match people based on field of interest within medicine as well as extracurricular interests. Mentors and mentees meet at the beginning of the year at a breakfast, but after that, mentors and mentees set up their own meetings. In the past, mentees have done a variety of activities with their mentors from shadowing to going out to dinner to simply grabbing a cup of coffee. These relationships help aspiring female doctors to learn more about what it means to be a woman in the medical field. In addition, we set up dinners for students with female faculty members at their homes. This traditionally happens during the spring so be on the lookout for dinners this April!
Applicants Committee
The Applicants Committee consists of two main branches: Applicant Breakfasts and the Applicant Letter Writing Campaign. On each morning that interviews are held, two members of AMWA greet applicants and discuss student programs with them over breakfast before escorting them to the Admissions Office (please click here if you would like to sign up to help out!). The Applicant Letter Writing Campaign ensures that every regularly accepted female student receives a personal "welcome" letter from an AMWA member. These letters are designed not only to congratulate accepted students but to encourage open communication between prospective students and current students. The Applicants Committee will also help to hold a brunch for accepted students during the Second Look Weekend in April.
Discussion Groups
We meet once a month over coffee and cookies to discuss current politics, life, medicine as a woman, or anything else. Past discussion topics have been abortion, Sarah Palin’s impact on the view of women in politics, and dating in medical school. Come share your thoughts and see what your classmates have to say!
The Annual Red Dress Affair Committee
Every February, AMWA puts together "The Red Dress Affair," a fundraising event for the American Heart Association. Last year, the evening included a silent auction and raffle, a fashion show, student performances, and a keynote address. In addition, we celebrate "Go Red for Women Day" on the first Friday in February. On this day, we wear red in order to help raise awareness about heart disease, one of the leading causes of death in women.
Outreach Committee
Our outreach committee meets once a month to plan community service projects for the members of AMWA. Many of our projects focus on women’s health issues. We help cook dinner for Karen House, a women’s shelter in St. Louis. Also, in partnership with the Pediatric Interest Group we volunteer at the Crisis Nursery, a safe haven for children in times of family crisis. We've held successful clothing and bedding drives for Cornett’s Closet. We are always open to new ideas for service projects, and we are eager to partner with other groups and individuals who are not associated with AMWA.
Awareness Weeks Committee
The Awareness Weeks Committee organizes several weeks per year that focus on issues pertinent to women’s health as well as those that relate to common experiences shared by women physicians, in the hopes of educating the student body about important topics and encouraging discussion within the medical community. The committee has previously organized Gender Violence and Domestic Abuse Awareness Weeks, Body Image Weeks, and Women’s Weeks. The weeks typically include panel discussions, movie screenings, small group discussions, and other events that provide opportunities to hear from experts on various topics but also to discuss personal experiences and opinions with other students.